Wednesday July 03, 2024

Everybody can contribute to Oryler search engine by pasting in the web address of a classified ad, whether a real estate agent, the owner of a property, a friend or whoever whishes to.

Copied classified ads must come from one of the following uk property portals :

Other classifieds and bad web addresses (links) will be rejected.
The maximum number of classifieds that you can input per day is 150.
For security purposes, if bad or unknown web links are submited repeatedly despite Oryler's warnings, Oryler may decide to blacklist the internet address of the offending sender.

There is no guarantee as to whether the classified ad you submit will be published or when it will be, but if it is accepted it is usually published within 3 to 4 days after you pasted its web address in Oryler's input form.

You can input a classified ad by copying and pasting its web address into Oryler's input form.